Termite Inspection in Melbourne

The earlier a termite problem is detected the better and faster it can be taken care of with lesser damage to the house or property. If an assessment is delayed, so is the diagnosis and the treatment of the infestation caused by these ever-hungry insects thereby increasing the amount of damage caused by their eating habits.

Termite damage does not fall within the luxuries of being covered by insurance for every homeowner which is why it must be prevented in the first place to avoid tearing that extra hole in the pocket. Such inspections help you seek out potential threats of any such problem, look for damage that can prove harmful to your property in the long run and maintain the protection against these pesky creatures for your property.

The Process of a Termite Inspection

On visiting your home, our skilled technicians conduct a visual check by inspecting all the accessible areas. In order to properly and thoroughly inspect your property, our technicians might ask you for access into private spaces or for you to clear out certain areas that might be obstructed due to furniture or decor. They will also make a note of areas that were inaccessible for the inspection and mention those areas on your home inspection report. Some of the common spaces that our technicians inspect are:

  • The exteriors, including wooden window frames, wooden items attached to your home, fascia boards, etc. They will also inspect the trees and landscaping in your backyard or garden as well as storage areas.
  • The interiors, including door jams, corners, ceilings, bathroom and kitchen cabinets, floor boards, skirting boards, etc.
  • Voids in the roof, including hanging beams, timber constructions, collar ties, underpurlins, and more.
  • Subfloors like concrete, brick or limestone piers having ant caps and any possible entry ways to joists and floor bearers.

The best approach to termite control is comprehensive and tailored to the specific needs of each situation. By combining professional termite inspection and treatment, you can effectively manage and eliminate termite populations. Protect your home and other structures from termite damage today. Don't wait – book a termite inspection with us to ensure the safety and longevity of your property.

frequency asked questions about Termites.

Turbo Pest Control is here to help you get rid of termites fast. Our experienced and highly trained technicians will carry out a full termite treatment at your home or business, ensuring that all termites are eliminated.

  • What do termites look like?

    The termite colony has three primary castes: workers, soldiers, and the reproductives (kings, queens, and secondaries). The workers are creamy white and seldom seen unless a termite tube or infested wood is broken open. Soldiers have elongated yellowish heads with large jaws and are about the same size as the adult worker, about a quarter inch. The kings and queens are dark-brown or black and about 3/8 to 1/2 inch long. They have two pairs of translucent wings of equal length, which break off shortly after swarming.

  • What is a termite inspection?

  • How to get rid of termites?

    The best way to prevent termites and the damage they cause is a professional proactive baiting system that will catch them as early as possible. There are no successful DIY termite treatments and learning that can cost you.

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